
Sunday, November 30, 2008

quality time

Well today is the last day of our fabulous 5 day weekend. I was hoping to get some quality family time in, which I guess I did, just not in the way I hoped. My poor little man was sick all day long. When he woke up this morning he had vomited all over his bed and even onto the floor. A great start to the day right? Since I had already showered I put Collin in the shower with Dan to wash the yucks off of him. Just as they were stepping out of the shower he threw up again. Needless to say we skipped our morning glass of milk and went straight to water. He ate some toast and seemed happy and chipper so we got dressed and went to church. Probably not the best decision we ever made. About halfway through mass Collin threw up again. Luckily Dan was already standing in the back with him because Collin was wanting to run around and was making noise. We quickly left church and spent the rest of the day doing laundry after each mishap, and disinfecting everything in the house. Luckily we had plenty of other stuff that needed washed anyhow. Not long after his morning nap we went from vomiting to vomoting and diarrhea. Oh joy of joys! I hate when my little guy is sick, but I must say I do enjoy the good cuddle time we get in. Anyone who knows Collin knows that he has more energy than the Energizer Bunny, and never sits still. Today he was pretty pathetic for the most part. We set up camp on the floor downstairs and put Enchanted into the DVD player. For nearly an hour we layed on blankets enjoying the movie, drinking Pedialyte and eating saltine crackers. Good mommy and Collin time. Dan got some good snuggles in as well, but he also spent part of the day doing some fix ups in our bathroom. What a great guy. Our newly remodeled bathroom is looking gorgeous!If you have a weak stomach I suggest skipping this paragraph. Just before dinner Collin had an explosive diaper that you could hear from across the room. When I went to change him Dan started laughing histarically and proclaimed that his diaper looked like movie theatre butter. I guess you have to find humor in these things to keep yourself from going insane!It's now after 7:30 and Collin is sound asleep. Hopefully we make it through the night without any more explosions. He couldn't even enjoy his evening bath because the water made his poor little booty burn. So sad.Tomorrow grandma Berry is coming to watch him because daycare is closed. If Collin is still sick I'll take the afternoon off and take him to the Dr. I hate having to take sick days, but I do enjoy a break from work. Even if it is to be with a sick kid. I'll be saying extra prayers for my little man tonight.

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